Mas.845 Special Topics in Cinematic Storytelling:
Course Syllabus |
Spring 2007 | |||
Three Assignments for the Course:
Week 01 - February 06 |
Learning Story: a personal narrative Story world defined: dynamics of situation, character, time Role of expectation, anticipation and tension |
Make a rich media version of your learning story; due Feb 13. | |
Week 02 - February 13 |
Time and experience as axes of narrative: the art of the sequence |
Bruner, Jerome. Acts of Meaning. Chapter 1. Michael Roemer, Telling Stories, ch 1-3 Paul Ricouer, selections Bachelard, G. The Poetics of Space. Translated by Maria Jolas. New York: The Orion Press, 1994. (optional reading) View one movie of your choice to discuss in light of readings. |
Learning story as rich media narrative due. |
Week 03 - February 20 |
NO CLASS - MIT is on a Monday Schedule | ||
Week 04 - February 27 |
Making "Life. Research.":a documentary about Hugh Herr Guest: Edward Shen Making Media for Confectionary Guest: Jacqueline Karaaslanian |
Kelliher, Aisling. Everyday StorytellingJanuary 2007. Kearney, Richard. On Stories. Chapter 11. |
1. Guidelines for Project 1 2. Submit written description of first project (post on wiki). |
Week 05 - March 06 |
Storied Objects Guest: Hyun-Yeul Lee Unseated Documentary Guest: Michael Epstein |
Lee, Hyun-Yeul Storied Objects: Design Thinking With Time. January 2007. Epstein, Michael et al., Un*travel Media: |
Week 06 - March 13 |
Focus on narrative, social interaction, and the changing dynamics of audience Flickr, Blogs Other Sites Guests: Aisling Kelliher and Bakhtiar Mikhak |
Davenport, G., Barry, B., Kelliher, A., Nemirovsky, P. Media Fabric : a process-oriented approach to media creation and exchange. BT Technology Journal (2004). Davenport, Glorianna. The Storied Machine. RTE Radio Science Lecture, 2004. Radio Broadcast of live lecture. Mueller, Erik. Story Understanding. |
Week 07 - March 20 |
First project presentations | First project due. | |
Week 08 - March 27 |
NO CLASS - Spring Break | ||
Week 09 - April 03 |
Art and Research Guest: Barbara Barry; |
Vogler, Christopher. The Writer's Journey: Mythic Structure for Storytellers and Screenwriters. pp. 13-31. Davenport, G. and Murtaugh, M. Automatist storyteller systems and the shifting sands of story. November 1999. |
Week 10 - April 10 |
Stories of the Environment & the Citizen Scientist Guest: Dale Joachim; |
McCloud, Scott. Understanding Comics. Chapter 6. Frank Thomas and Ollie Johnson, The Illusion of Life: Disney Animation, Chapter 3: The Principles of Animation. Davenport, Glorianna. Desire versus Destiny: the question of payoff in narrative. Position statement: for Caixa Forum MetaNarrative[s] Conference Barcelona, Spain, January 29, 2005. |
Final project defined in email before class. |
Week 11 - April 17 |
NO CLASS - Patriots Day | ||
Week 12 - April 24 |
Final project discussed in class. | ||
Week 13 - May 02 |
TBA Guest: TBA |
Week 14 - May 08 |
Final Presentation Program | Final Project Presentations||